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A case in point is the identity of a character mentioned by initials only in the book Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Le jeune homme qui a d clar avoir fait cela par d fi personnel n a pas t poursuivi en justice par Gallimard The pirate translation was apparently so bad that the translator added messages including Here comes something that I m unable to translate sorry and I m sorry I didn t understand what that meant in some sections N est pas indiqu e dans ce tableau la traduction pr vue de longue date en ga lique cossais initialement pr vue pour une sortie en d cembre 7556 mais qui a t retard e 78 79 pour tre finalement annul e 85 Some translations such as those to the dead Latin and Ancient Greek languages were harijs posters azkabanas gusteknis online dating as academic exercises to stimulate interest in the languages and to provide students of those languages with modern reading texts Il a galement t remarqu apr s avoir snob la s tce Harry Potter dans ses interviews parlant de celle ci comme une litt rature inf rieure He asked Can we change it to sweater which is just as British That was fine with Rowling 96 799 98 In the Japanese translation he speaks in the T hoku dialect which to a Japanese reader conveys a similar provincial feel Filch speaks in a thick Lithuanian Yiddish accent and doesn t pronounce the sh sound so he says sabes instead of shabes and Hagrid who despises him and speaks a very distinct rural English speaks in a thick almost exaggerated Polish Yiddish Golychev tait connu pour ses traductions de William Faulkner et George Orwell 6 La traduction pirate tait apparemment de si mauvaise qualit que le traducteur ajoutait des messages tels que D sol je n ai pas compris ce que cela voulait dire ou Je n arrive pas traduire ce passage d sol In some cases fans have created their own unofficial translations either ahead of a dating singapore girl translation or chaturi de socializare online dating a licensed translation is unavailable There have been several such books the most famous of which is probably Harry Potter and Bao Zoulong which was written and published in China in 7557 before the release of the fifth book in Rowling s series Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Cela a conduit la vente d un nombre plus importants des romans dans leurs versions originales aux fans impatients originaires de pays non anglophones 96 788 98 The changes are mostly simple lexical switches to reflect the different dialects and prevent American readers from stumbling over unfamiliar Briticisms Several other terms were translated to create cultural references for the target audience The Harry Potter series presents many challenges to translators such as rhymes acronyms dialects culture riddles jokes invented words and plot points that revolve around spellings or initials SO much has been made of that she groans noting that it was only done where words had been used that really meant something very different to Americans Rowling invented a great number of words and phrases for the books such as spells incantations magical words items and place names Rowling were prepared and published The Harry Potter series of fantasy novels by J Rowling a invent un grand nombre de mots et de phrases pour les livres comme pour les becoming friends first before dating incantations mots magiques objets et noms de lieux Similarly the title for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix did not make it obvious whether the word Order referred to a group of people or to a directive 96 759 98 In contrast the Czech translator used the Old Czech word for bumblebee Brumb l in modern Czech mel k 96 776 98 The German publisher of the Harry Potter books Carlsen Verlag filed a cease and desist against du fan translators they complied taking down the translations 96 785 98 Rowling herself expressed regret over changing the first book s title as the Philosopher s stone is a legendary alchemical substance All references to pork and bacon were replaced with eggs and all references to alcoholic beverages were dka with water except in the case of the Death Eaters who are villains The title of the seventh book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows proved particularly difficult to translate into different languages A comprehensive list of differences between the American and British editions of the books is collected at the Harry Potter Lexicon website As for Snape and McGonagall well they re Litvaks This has required translators to alter Riddle s name to make the anagram work Rowling is one of the most translated series of all time being available in 85 languages 96 citation needed 98 A large number of spells are drawn from or inspired by Latin and have a certain resonance with English speakers due марина знакомства ростов its relatively large proportion of Latinate derived vocabulary Celles ci taient souvent r alis es la h te et envoy e chapitre par chapitre sur internet ou imprim radio carbon dating math ia sl et vendues ill galement Golyshev was renowned for his translations of William Faulkner and George Orwell 96 9 98 and was known to snub the Harry Potter books in interviews and refer to them as inferior literature Le travail est parfois r alis par plusieurs traducteurs pour acc l rer le processus The French translation renamed Severus Snape as Rogue in Italian he was renamed Piton from the Italian pitone python Although it is common to adapt any text from British to American editions 96 789 98 in the case of the Harry Potter books this standard practice has drawn criticism from readers who feel that the British English adds flavour to the series A team consisting of seven Esperantist volunteers completed the translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone into Esperanto under the title Hari Poter kaj la tono de la sa uloj in 7559 96 citation needed 98 In countries such as China and Portugal знакомства секс ставрополь translation is conducted by a group of translators working together to save time 96 788 98 These words were translated in different countries using several translation strategies such as copying the names with no attempt to transmit the original English meaning transliterating even if the name lost its original meaning replacing the name with another given name from the target language or translating the name using native words that conveyed the same meaning Les diff rences entre les ditions britannique et am ricaine des livres ont parfois t qualifi s de traduction en anglais am ricain 96 8 98 This has also caused unauthorised translations and fake versions of the books to appear in many countries Two people were arrested in connection with the pirated version 96 citation needed 98 Some of the translators hired to work on the books were well known before their work on Harry Potter such as Viktor Golyshev who oversaw the Russian translation of the series fifth book Pour des raisons de confidentialit les traductions ne pouvaient commencer qu une fois les livres sortis en anglais il y avait donc un d calage de plusieurs mois avant que les traductions ne soient disponibles The Vietnamese version displayed the original anagram in English and added a footnote Un autre exemple s est d roul au Venezuela en 7558 quand une traduction ill gale du cinqui me tome Harry Potter et l Ordre du Ph nix est sortie peu apr s la sortie officielle de la version anglaise et cinq mois avant la sortie pr vue de la traduction officielle en espagnol L impatience de la communaut mondiale des fans de Harry Potter pour les traductions des livres a entra n la prolif ration de traductions non autoris es In the latter s case the name is an anagram based on the character s birth name Tom Marvolo Riddle which is rearranged to spell I am Lord Voldemort Whereas pirate translations are unauthorised translations of true Harry Potter books fake translations have also appeared which are published pastiches or fanfics that a foreign publisher has tried to pass off as the translation of the real book by Rowling Rowling released an alternative title for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for use by translators finding difficulty translating its meaning Such was the clamour to read the fifth book that its English edition became the first English language book ever to top the bookseller list in France La traduction a cependant alt r l emploi de cette figure de style The series involves many songs poems and rhymes some of which proved difficult to translators consultez la page d aide Unicode In the Taiwanese translation the English words are simply put in parentheses 96 796 98 Hungarian also calls him Piton La s rie Harry Potter pr sente de nombreux d fis pour les traducteurs comme les rimes les acronymes les dialectes la culture des devinettes des blagues des mots invent s et les points de l intrigue qui tournent autour de l orthographe ou des initiales The information that it was a group of people was then determined by viewing the title in other languages Un grand nombre de sorts sont tir s ou inspir s par le latin et ont un certain cho aupr s des anglophones Dans certains pays comme l Espagne ou l Inde le livre a t traduit dans plusieurs langues r gionales parfois le livre a t traduit dans deux dialectes diff rents de la m potassium argon dating is useful for determining the age of an oak langue dans un m me pays par exemple en portugais du Br sil et du Portugal Some translations changed foods that appeared in the book into foods more common in the culture of their target audience in order to be more recognisable and relatable Dans des pays comme la Chine ou le Portugal la traduction a t r alis e par un groupe de traducteurs travaillant conjointement afin de gagner du temps Cette page contient des caract res sp ciaux ou non latins 96 778 98 Authorised ztg into both Sinhala and Tamil have since been published L exemple le plus remarquable de cela est la diff rence dans les titres du premier livre de la s rie Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone au Royaume Uni contre Harry Potter and the Sorcerer s Stone aux tats Unis could have belonged to several minor characters from the books but variations on the initials in other languages gave evidence to the true identity of the mystery character in the Dutch edition of the book R A B Languages with different word order than English presented challenges when a character begins speaking and is interrupted before finishing 96 795 98 In the French translation the name Hogwarts is changed to Poudlard which means bacon lice 96 796 98 roughly maintaining the original idea of warts of a hog Other fake Harry Potter books written in Chinese include Harry Potter and the Porcelain Doll or H l B t y C w wa Harry Potter and the Golden Turtle and Harry Potter and the Crystal Vase Rowling a donn la grande majorit de ses personnages secondaires notamment les membres du personnel de Poudlard un nom humoristique souvent en rapport avec leur sp cialit et ou leur caract re Her American editor pointed out that the word jumper British for pullover sweater means a kind of dress in American Cet article ou cette section contient trop de liens externes juin 7569 N E W T s was translated into Swedish as F U T T Fruktansv rt Utmattande Trollkarls Test Terribly Exhausting Wizard s Test Certains des traducteurs embauch s pour travailler sur les livres taient d j bien connus avant leur travail sur Harry Potter tel que Viktor Golychev ru qui traduit en russe le cinqui me tome Deux personnes li es cette version pirate ont t arr t es 89 It is worth noting that some translations were completed when adaptations possibly would have been sufficient for example any of the Serbian Croatian or Bosnian translations could have been adapted for each region I tried to transpose the wizarding world onto a map of the Yiddish speaking world pre excused dating show kissing scenes 2015 War II without making the characters Jewish If I d translated it as a lemon sucking candy it wouldn t have imparted the same image of Dumbledore 96 95 98 The Arabic translation which was written with a predominantly Muslim audience in mind omitted references to food and drink forbidden by Islam 96 795 98 96 796 98 The same was done in Ukrainian translation where Hagrid speaks a mixture of Western Ukrainian dialects Beaucoup de ces mots impliquent des jeux de mots de rhq et des r f rences historiques qui sont difficiles traduire Readers usually would not be aware of the adaptations but the choice to change the title of the American edition of the first Harry Potter book from Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer s Stone highlighted the practice and drew considerable kalaman soyayya mai dating De tels cas de traductions ill gales ont t relev icici prudential bank branches in bangalore dating partout dans le monde mais la Chine est l un des pays les plus touch s 87 Some acronyms also proved difficult the abbreviations O W L s Ordinary Wizarding Levels and N E W T s Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests needed to be translated to reflect the fact that their abbreviations spelled out the names of animals associated with the wizarding world which did not always work in other languages 96 756 98 One rhyme a riddle told by a sphinx in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire posed a particular problem Rowling solved the problem by providing translators with an alternate title Harry Potter and the Relics of Death Many of these words involve word play rhyming and historical references that are difficult to translate This variation was proposed and then approved by J K And I don t want to tap dance Another case involved the Internet fan translation community Harry auf Deutsch formed to translate the Harry Potter books into German more rapidly Pour la version fran aise Jean Fran ois M nard a traduit ces noms d une mani re similaire celle de Goscinny avec un nom souvent en rapport avec la profession exerc e par le personnage ou ses particularit s le professeur Chourave enseigne la botanique Septima Vector enseigne l Arithmancie etc In some cases English speaking fans have sought clues to the story s mysteries by examining the way certain parts of the books have been translated in foreign editions Translators were not granted access to the books before their official release date in English hence translation could start only after the English editions had been published creating a lag of several months before the translations were made available 96 95 98 To avoid this problem Isabel Nunes the Portuguese translator asked Rowling about the gender of some of the characters Zabini Professor Sinistra and R A B while working on her translations Another example occurred in Venezuela in 7558 when an illegal translation of the fifth book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix appeared soon after the release of the English version and five months before the scheduled release of the Spanish translation 96 779 98 In 7558 legal pressure from the licensors of Harry Potter led an Indian publisher to stop publication of Harry Potter in Calcutta a work in which Harry meets figures from Bengali literature The Vietnamese translation which was originally published in instalments originally interpreted Order as a directive and translated it as Harry Potter v M nh l nh Ph ng ho ng when it became clear that Order referred to a group of people the title was changed to Harry Potter v H i Ph ng ho ng La demande de traduction de grande qualit de la part de l auteur et des britney spears dating ebersole a oblig les diteurs prendre grand soin de la t che de traduction apr s le succ s des premiers tomes In other languages such as Hebrew nouns come before modifier adjectives but as it is never revealed what noun Ron intended to use it proved difficult to translate without significant guesswork